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In 1986, the authority put 300 carp in the water reservoir of Gweryd Lakes Fishery. These fish were different sizes, up to 15 pounds.

Over 37 years, the Carp grew, and now it has wild Mirrors, Commons, and Ghosties. These fish make anglers happy and sometimes make them frustrated too.

The water reservoir has over 500 Carp. They swim near between 22 gravel pegs. The Carp include 5% Mirrors, 35% Ghosties & Koi, and 60% Common Carp up to 27lb+.

More Information About Gweryd Lakes Fishery

The lake at this fantastic venue has fish like tench, bream, and roach. It is 5 to 7 feet deep and has a sturdy bottom made of shingles and peat.

The northwestern end of the lake is shallow, reaching a depth of 8 feet, and has a bed made of peat and bloodworm. In June, you can see a lot of fish in the three secret peat islands.

These islands are part of the lake bed and have gullies, sandbanks, and natural springs. But they disappear underwater in Autumn.

In 1783, someone made records of Estate Lake, which had a peat island covering 6 acres. Then, in 1951, peat extraction resulted in the creation of a small dam.

The dam flooded an area of 12 acres and supplied water to livestock and a farm sawmill. In 1960, there was fishing and duck shooting.

Then, in 1970, there were fish-rearing pools below Llyn Gweryd. From 1971 to 1981, there was a fishery at Llyn Gweryd Club. In 1982, they drained the lake and took out all the fish.

Maintenance workers maintained the dam and bank in 1983. In 1984, the lake refilled naturally. They restocked Leney Dink and Sutton Carp, weighing up to 19 lbs in 1986.

Gweryd Lakes Fishery: A Haven for Quality Fishing
© Copyright John S Turner and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Since then, the fish have been breeding and growing, giving us over 500 Carp. In 2016, the new owners chose to close the lake.

They wanted the fish to have a much-needed rest and to begin the overdue renovations. The fishery reopens in the year 2017.

Overdue for bankside maintenance and facilities took place in 2018. The site introduced 125 x 2lb brown trout to help reduce the silver’s biomass.

They finished renovating the Old Bivvi hut in 2019. They have completed the NRW flood upgrade works. Then, in 2020, there were 22 new single and double pegs.

In 2021, this site set up two systems to add air and created tunnels of light and wind. In 2022, the authority thinned bull rushes, removed snags, and dragged the lake.

They installed a third aerator in 2023. They also renewed the disabled peg for the beech trees. Additionally, the authority set up mobile rain shelters.


Please drive slowly on the Public Bridleway, as walkers, horses, and bikes use it. When you arrive, go to the Fishery office and sign in.

Remember, you must have a valid Environmental Agency Rod Licence to fish. Visitors under 14 years old are not allowed on site.

Visitors 14 years old and over must be able to provide identification when asked. A paid adult must go with visitors aged 14 to 18. Viewing is only available by appointment.

When setting the hook, use reasonable force. Don’t lift fish too high and return them quickly. You can only weigh fish, not keep them in nets.

Use fish care antiseptic. Don’t leave rods or rigs unattended in the water. Reel them in before leaving the peg. You can use 3 rods and 1 Spod rod to fish with Barbless hooks.

Micro Barbed Hooks, Mainline braid, Braided hook links, and Spomb are not allowed. Use a mainline that weighs at least 12 pounds and a hook link that weighs at least 12 pounds.

The minimum hook size is 10. Attach a float to your spambots. Always use safety rigs. Each angler must have a landing net at least 30 inches wide.


The fishing site at Gweryd Lakes is fantastic. Before deciding to catch fish, anglers should know these interesting facts.

These facts will help all anglers, from beginners to experts, with the preparation. The area around this site is worthy of praise because it has notable blessings from nature.

The stunning scenery made it an ideal spot for anglers to fish in comfortable conditions. The Gweryd Lakes is always ready to welcome the anglers.

If you live near the Llyn area, don’t miss the chance to explore this ideal place. It’s a great spot to make lasting memories with loved ones.

Fishing is a favorite activity in the UK that brings joy and advantages. People in the UK know the benefits and love fishing to get them.

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