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The authorities of the Hampshire Carp Hatcheries clean and maintain their 40 ponds, which are 1-2,000m2 in size, every year. Afterward, they refill them for the new stock.

In Spring, the ponds warm up, and natural food algae start growing. In Spring, the staff makes broodstock have babies and put the new fish in a place with no predators.

More Information About Hampshire Carp Hatcheries

The algae in the pond make oxygen through photosynthesis. This oxygen helps the bacteria break down the fish’s waste.

The broodstock spawns at this venue when the pond gets warmer and has more plankton. The site helps its fry grow by providing a good environment and extra food in the ponds.

When the Carp reach market size, between 2 and 12 inches, someone sorts them. The staff then held them in hapas.

Hapas are cages in the production ponds until they are ready for sale. When people order fish, the house brings and keeps them in clean water for 24-48 hours.

The staff prepares them for distribution across the UK. This fishing house uses very little energy. The authority reuses the water from it in one of their nearby production ponds.

To increase production, the farm adds extra food to the fish’s diet as they grow. They use 8 tonnes of sustainable feed to help the ponds produce more naturally.

To break down waste in the ponds, they use an aeration system. It runs from 12 pm to 4 am in the Summer. This site has a feed station in our ponds.

It checks for uneaten food every day. It also monitors the oxygen and temperature levels daily. It ensures that it gives the correct amount of food.

Each pond has a feed rate based on its capacity to break down ammonia. If a pond is not feeding, the staff do a health check. If needed, the site treats in the pond.

Hampshire Carp Hatcheries: A Great Place of Fishing
Yoyo500CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

They also observe their collection behavior twice a day. The site is 15 acres and has over 6 km of bank. This fishing farm has a wide variety of plants and animals.

It creates great opportunities for taking amazing photographs. Wildlife photographers can visit by appointment, and many take advantage of this.

The United Kingdom has imported many cold water ornamental fishes for many years. Until the 1980s, that was the only option.

But this site has become better at breeding these fishes, and some UK producers are among the best. As a British farm, this site naturally supports local species.

British species grow slowly, making them strong and vigorous. Imported species are not ideal for the environment. The changes in temperature and quality can lead to infections and losses.

This venue takes its collection from its ponds. And it brings them to the fishing house. Your business receives them 48 hours before delivery.

This site keeps them at low densities to reduce stress and protect water quality. To save on airfreight costs, this site packs imported fish in bags with a high stocking density.

These fish are repeatedly lifted, loaded, and transported, causing impact and stress. This farm has the highest possible biosecurity status awarded by the Ministry.

When you buy fish, it tells you where they come from and who counted them. Diseases easily spread when livestock and fish come from different farms and producers.

This Carp Hatchery doesn’t know where the collection comes from. They raise it in a pond with clean water using sunlight and natural nitrogen.

This Carp Hatchery has been farming fish since 1985. They have faced and solved many problems. If there is ever a problem, feel free to contact the site.


Before visiting this carp hatchery, anglers should know this necessary information. There are many things to explore on this site, without any doubt.

This place is famous among the people for its carp. The elements of the exploration in this place do not frustrate the visitor.

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