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The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area houses this park. Walls of Jerusalem is a wild and inspiring alpine park.

It has a labyrinth of highland lakes, craggy mountains, and pure pencil pine forests. The landscape features stunning precipitous dolerite peaks, moraines, and tarns.

Walls of Jerusalem National Park
Geoff DerrinCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It is the result of glaciation. The changing landscape is as unpredictable as it is beautiful. Walkers should visit prepared, as the weather can shift from one hour to another.

This alpine vegetation and clean, crisp air will invigorate and inspire the adventurer. This place is always ready to provide great Tasmanian wilderness experiences.


Jerusalem National Park in Tasmania is a spectacular and remote high country. Glaciers sculpted it thousands of years ago.

Water is an ever-present feature in the many lakes, and trickling streams today. This alpine wonderland has no road access, so you must explore it on foot.

The most visited part of the park is inside the Central Walls. Towering, fluted dolerite peaks flank the walls, without any doubt.

To get there from the car park, follow the steep walking track via Trappers Hut to Wild Dog Creek campsite. From here, it is a gently undulating landscape.

Dolerite peaks guard an impossibly beautiful alpine garden. Here, the gods have played. They dropped generous dollops of lime green onto an olive-grey canvas.

Then, they finished with delicate pink, red, orange, gold, and white strokes. The main track passes through Herod Gate into the Central Walls’ interior.

It starts from Wild Dog Creek campsite. It goes out through Damascus Gate to the charming, historic Dixons Kingdom Hut. Sidetracks lead to mountain summits.

It is an ancient and fragile landscape. At altitude and in such cold temperatures, plants grow and recover slowly. Please stay on track to minimize your impact.

See Tasmanian Jerusalem – Multiday Walk​ for details. Most walkers spend around 3-4 days here, wandering the wilds of the Walls. They feel joyous amongst such magnificence.

You can only access this area of Tasmania on foot. This beautiful spot is perfect for self-sufficient, well-equipped, and experienced walkers.

It is an exposed alpine region of the Tasmania. Blizzards and snow can occur at any time of the year in this place, even in summer.

Walls of Jerusalem National Park: A Beautiful Place
JJ Harrison ( BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You can face low clouds that can reduce the visibility to several meters. On the other hand, snow can cover the track, making it difficult for you to follow.

The weather on this site can change within a few hours dramatically. There are no roads available within this fantastic place of Tasmania.

Travel by car to Lake Rowallan to get to the main access track into the Walls. It is easy to reach via Mole Creek on the Mersey Forest Road (C171).

There is a turn to the left onto a gravel road Just after crossing the Fish River. You should follow this road for 1.5km to this spot.

The fantastic walking track starts at the registration booth in the car park. Please try to avoid driving in reserves at night.

Many people have died in this spot of Tasmania unprepared in cold, wet, and windy weather. Older people, children, and those with an illness are at high risk of such conditions.

You can watch the hypothermia safety video on YouTube to make good preparations. Learn how to prepare yourself and understand the dangers of being cold.

Please pay attention to all track signs – they are there for your safety. Stay on the formed walking tracks at all times. It is necessary for safety and to protect the sensitive alpine region.

Fan out rather than walk a single file where there is no track. Fan out system helps spread the load of walkers’ feet, without any doubt.


The Jerusalem Park have three main camping areas. Alpine vegetation erodes, especially near water. Please use these formal campsites as a base from which to explore the region.

Camping within Central Walls is not encouraged. If you must camp elsewhere, avoid areas near water as these areas erode most easily. Apply to Leave No Trace principles.

Do not camp outside the designated areas or within 15m of Dixons Kingdom or Trappers Hut. You can collect water from lakes, tarns, and streams.

Walls of Jerujalem
JJ Harrison ( BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

However, these sources cannot guarantee water quality. Lakes and streams deep in the wilderness are more likely to have clean water.

These water sources should be upstream of any campsite. Visitors can only use three small historic huts for emergency shelter.

They are Dixons Kingdom Hut, Trappers Hut, and Lake Ball Hut. The only toilets are available at the Walls of Jerusalem car park.


It is a fantastic way to experience the wilder side of Tasmania. However, prepare before embarking on an overnight adventure.

A waterproof backpack, tent, sleeping bag, and mat are necessary for day walks. Bring hiking boots, gaiters, a fuel stove, high-energy food, and quick-drying clothes.

You should also bring a toilet trowel and antibacterial gel. Also, bring a PLB, map, and compass. The sleeping bag should have a 0°C rating for coastal areas and -10°C for alpine areas.

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