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Shewrapara is an area under the Mirpur locality in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Like other areas of Dhaka, it is also a populated area.

People of different professions live in this area. Most of whom are working poor people. About forty to fifty families live together in small flats of buildings in this locality.

The atmosphere of this area is full of the sounds of rickshaws, cars, and people. Many people enjoy the hustle and bustle of this place under the Mirpur locality.

You may know Dhaka is one of the most polluted cities in the world. It has gained the top position in pollution several times.

Shewrapara: An Important Place in Dhaka City
Photo by Shafiqul Islam on Unsplash

The polluted air of Dhaka city is very harmful to health. It can be the cause of various diseases related to your breathing.

Like other places in Dhaka, everyone inhales the polluted air in this locality. This locality is under Mirpur. Many people live here by adapting to such an environment.

Everyone deals with the oppressive heat along with the polluted air. The heat here is unbearable, and the table fan will not give you comfort.

But you can get comfort if you have an air conditioner in your house. Many people take a bath two or three times a day because of heat exhaustion. You must have heard the name Bakarkhani.

It is a bread that is part of Mughlai cuisine. If you like to eat Bakarkhani, you can eat in this locality. There are some famous Bakarkhani shops here.

There is no doubt that Dhaka is one of the most unlivable cities in the world. But if you live here, you may enjoy the lifestyle of the people in this part of the city.

A branch of Manipur High School and College is in this locality of the capital city. It is one of the private secondary schools in Bangladesh.

About 35 thousand students are studying Bengali and English medium in this school. The institution started its journey in 1969 with a negligible number of students.

The number of students was 45 and teachers was 13 at the beginning of its journey. The institution became a high school in 1978. In 2010, it became a college. English medium started in 2011.

There are also two notable educational institutions in this area under Mirpur. These are East West International School & College and Haji Ashraf Ali High School.

West Shewrapara

West Shewrapara is quite busy and full of vitality. With countless shops and competitive bazaars, West Shewrapara always remains awake.

These reasons led the local people of this area to choose this place to spend their lives. The construction of the Metro Railway is causing transportation issues in this locality. But there is no doubt that these transportation hassles will be worth it in the long run.

The apartments here are between 900-1575 square feet and have 2-3 bedrooms. Here is where lies the green university and many other educational institutions.

A CNG refilling station enables the locals to always be on the move. The area has many branded outlets, bakeries, and pharmacies for everyday supplies.

East Shewrapara

East Shewrapara is one of the famous areas of the capital city. The specialty of the place is the close connection to the community. If you roam the locality, you can see why a rickshaw is the most used vehicle.

There are some well-known educational institutions in this locality of Dhaka city. It has many shops, bakeries, pharmacies, restaurants, and everything the locals could need.

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