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Lawachara National Park is a protected forest area. It is in Kamalganj Upazila of Moulvibazar District. Here, nature has lavishly distributed her treasures of beauty.

Different types of trees can be visible. Different types of wild animals, like deer, monkeys, and fishing cats, are also present.

There is a tropical and mixed evergreen forest with 1250 hectares of area. The film crew shot a scenery Around the World in Eighty Days based on Julvern’s famous novel in this forest.

Lawachara National Park: A Great Destination for All
Abdul MominCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The filmmakers shot some film scenes right there. The railway line passes through the forest. A scene in the film was like this – the train is running.

Suddenly, the driver noticed a herd of elephants riding in front of the line. The train stops. David Niven, the hero, comes down from the room to see what’s going on.

Sati burning was happening in the village ahead. The hero rushes in and saves the girl. The girl is Shirley MacLaine. The filmmakers shot this part of the film in the railway line area of Lawachara.

More Information About Lawachara National Park

Lawachara has a total of 167 species of plants. It also has four amphibian species, six reptiles, 246 bird species, and 20 mammal species.

These include teak, chapalisha, agar, and raktan. The only living African teak tree in Bangladesh is in Lawachara National Park.

The endangered owl is visible in only four countries in the world. The majority of these owls can be visible in this Park, Bangladesh.

Lawachara has around 276 species of wildlife. It includes python and different bird species. Inside this park are the centuries-old traditional Khasiapunjis.

They retain their own culture and traditions. The entrance fee for Lawachara is Tk 20 for adults and Tk 10 for students and minors.

Foreign nationals or their equivalents pay Tk 5. Besides, car, jeep, and microbus parking fare is Tk. 25. But, if you want to take a guide, three categories of guides are available in 200 to 600 taka.

Use of the picnic spot is Tk 10 per person. You must be responsible for food as no food is available inside or around.

Travel to Lawachara

There are three trails of different durations within the Lauachara National Park. Tourists can experience nature up close on these one-hour, one-and-a-half-hour, and three-hour trails.

Among the three routes, one is a 3-hour route, one is a 1-hour route, and the other is a 30-minute route. With the help of a trained guide, one can go deep into the forest.

Lawachara National Park
Ifteebd10CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

These three paths offer sightings of various species of insects, birds, and orchids. They won’t disturb nature. If lucky, Hanuman, monkeys, and owls can also be visible.

Many tourists from home and abroad come to Lawachara for a nature tour. Tourists visit the forest throughout the year. It is most crowded during winter.

Half An Hour Trek

The trail starts from the left-hand side of the railway line. Kulu monkeys can be visible in the tall trees at the beginning of this path.

The solitude of the forest will mesmerize anyone. Different types of trees make up the walking path. Apart from this, wild orchids can be visible on the branches of big trees on this path.

However, it is not the time for orchids to bloom. The trail will end at the starting point as you keep left on the indicated path.

One-Hour Trek

You will see the myrrh tree at the beginning of the one-hour trek. Another name for this tree is Kasturi. This plant makes perfume. Apart from this, you will see trees and leha.

There are also almost century-old Chapalis and Gamari trees. Apart from this, Ulsnuk, Hanuman, and many other wild animals inhabit this forest.

They come to eat the fruits of various fig trees. If luck helps, it can also fall forward. Maya deer and forest rooster can be visible on this route.

Three-Hour Trek

The three-hour trek is also quite thrilling. To the left of this road, the Khasias used to live in Magurchhara Punji. The residents of this capital mainly cultivate betel.

Around 1950, the Forest Department created this capital. On this way, you will see a big bamboo garden. There are kulu monkeys and rare species of shy monkeys in this garden.

Lawachara National Park
George achikCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Shy monkeys are nocturnal animals. They spend the day sleeping in bamboo shoots. You will also see different bird species on this path.

At the end of the path, you can see one of the attractions of this forest, the Ulsnuk family. They live in groups in the highest trees of the forest.

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