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There is an island near the Arabian Sea, which is quite different from other islands on our planet. This Yemeni island is home to many flora and fauna that are rare.

That is why this site is one of the strangest and most mysterious places in our world. This island is not very big.

The people of this place have been living here for many years. You can call this land in the sea the main root of these people.

The name of the island is Socotra. This mysterious piece of land in the Arabian sea is part of Yemen. You can visit Socotra to discover its hidden mystery.

Do not forget to visit socotra
Boris Khvostichenko(User:Boriskhv)CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It got its title as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008. UNESCO did it to protect and preserve the hundreds of species of flora and fauna endemic to the island.

The natural beauty of this land is unique in the whole world. This site consists of sandy beaches, rocky plateaus, and high mountains.

It has white sand beaches, blue tarantulas, and rare species of flora. The region has become an unmissable tourist destination for global tourists.

9 Interesting Facts about The Socotra Island

It is simple to have many facts about this mysterious island of Yemen. Many people want to know about this majestic place in the Arabian sea.

1. People Call Socotra An Independent Island

Socotra, Abd al Kuri, Samha, and Darsa – these four islands form the Socotra archipelago. The archipelago became separate from the Arabian mainland.

It happened about three and a half million years ago. You will not see any change here due to nature. Many ancient species of plants and animals still survive because of this reason.

The location of Socotra is 220 miles from the mainland of Yemen. This piece of land in the sea of Arabia is the largest of the four islands.

It owns 95 percent of the wetlands. People live only on this site. Socotra Island has located 250 km from East Africa.

This place is 132 km in length and 49.7 km in width. Although this piece of land in the sea of Arabia is part of Yemen, it is very close to the coast of Somalia.

2. The Mysterious Trees are Everywhere

Rare species of plants are visible across this land in the Arabian sea. In some places on the island, there are umbrella-like trees.

There are also gnarled trees. No tree is leafless, but flowers bloom on every branch. This place is like an alien habitat.

Of the 825 species of plants, 307 species are endemic to Socotra Island. About 37 percent of the plants in this place do not grow anywhere else.

Some of these species have survived for two million years. Researchers said that Excessive moisture and extreme temperatures made the plants so strange.

The World Environment Organization listed three species of Socotra as Endangered. They also selected another 27 as Endangered in 2004.

There is a magnificent tree on Socotra Island. The name of the tree is the dragon blood tree. This tree does not grow anywhere else outside of these places.

Among botanists, trees are part of prehistoric forests. This species of tree stay alive for more than 650 years.

From a distance, the trees look like umbrellas. It occurs due to the dense structure of green leaves on the upper part of the leaves.

Dragon Blood Trees
Photo by Andrew Svk on Unsplash

The trees are drought-tolerant. They grow at an altitude of 300 to 1500 meters above sea level. The growth of this plant is slow. It grows only about three feet in ten years.

The weather in the Socorro becomes humid during the rainy season. The dragon blood tree then absorbs water particles from the air with its leaves.

Then with the help of roots and branches, it reaches the whole body of the plant. The tree bears a bright red fruit. People use red fruit as fodder for cattle.

A thick red gum originates from the trunk of the tree. You will see the use of this gum in making Ayurvedic medicines and dyes. It was once one of the exported items.

From this red sap of the tree, the name of the tree became Dragon Blood Tree in the mouth of the locals. This majestic tree is so popular, and Yemeni currency bears its image.

A kind of cucumber also grows on this piece of land in the sea. This tree is also strange. The flowering stem is taller than a human. Visit Socotra to learn about various trees in detail.

3. Garden of Eden

National Geographic says that nearly 90 percent of reptiles are native to this spot. The location of it is in the Arabian Sea.

More than 35 species of animals are available on the island. Twenty-nine are endemic reptiles among these 35 animals. The last six are endemic bird species.

These animals are born and bred in this place. More than 95 percent of the land snails of this place are not available elsewhere in the world.

Many species of spiders, legless lizards, and three species of crabs are diverse fauna. Apart from humans, bats are the only mammals in this place. But the island has a lot of reptiles.

Ninety percent of them are not available anywhere outside this piece of land in the sea of Arabia. The blue baboon spider is a poisonous animal of Socotra.

The color of this spider and its behavior is different from other spiders. There are no amphibians on this land. Visit Socotra to see the Garden of Eden.

4. Visit Socotra to See Thrilling White Sand Beaches

Beaches and mountains surround the island. This majestic Yemeni island has several white sand beaches along its coast. 

The white sand beach stretches from the Arabian Sea to the Guardafui Channel. This type of white sand beach is not seen much in this region. 

This piece of land in the sea is a favorite destination for many beach-loving people. It has warm temperatures and white sand beaches to offer to its visitor. 

andrew svk xr5kxyB9yxM unsplash
Photo by Andrew Svk on Unsplash

Visit Socotra to enjoy these magnificent sandy beaches. Many fishing communities live near coastal towns. So many fishing boats are visible along the sea coast.

Many people also travel by boat along the seashore. Many of them use boats to visit the surrounding islands in good weather.

Different species of dolphins, whales, and various fish are available in the sea. Dolphins love to play in the Arabian Sea.

You can watch them from the mountains or white sand beaches. These dolphins have enough power to bring heavenly feelings into your mind. 

5. Remnants of Various Battles

German armed forces occupied much of South Arabia during World War II. But British troops reoccupied this area during the middle of the Cold War.

After some time, the Soviet troops occupied the entire area of the Socotra. Since then, Middle Eastern governments have used the place as a military base for many years.

The traces of various military equipment is still visible in this place of the sea of Arabia. Military forces of different countries used this equipment during their stay. 

War tanks, cannons, and abandoned military equipment are available on this mysterious island. You can tell without any hesitation that this land has a rich history. Visit Socotra to see these remnants of battles.

6. Hajhir Mountain

The island has vast deserts and small hilly areas. It also has coastal beaches that take this piece of land in the sea of Arabia to another level. 

One of the attractions of this place is the Hajar mountain range. Mount Hajhir is in the north of the town of Habidu. It is on the southern coast of this Yemeni island of the Arabian sea.

This mountain covers almost half the area of the island. People habitat the foothill area of this mountain. You will also see the coastal city of the island is in the foothill area of this mountain.

This granite mountain has a peculiar color. The mist drifts in from the nearby beaches. It casts a strange mystique around the mountains.

Another hill on this land is Mashanig. It is the highest mountain range which is 1500 meters above sea level.

Many tourists choose this mountain for hiking. There are hundreds of small caves throughout the mountains. Stalactites and stalagmites filled these caves.

7. Archaeological Artifacts

Various archaeological sites are in this mysterious place. Many scientists have excavated here and found many artifacts of ancient times.

Visit Socotra to see these artifacts of ancient times. Searches are still underway in many parts of the island to find archaeological sites.

The financial value of these archaeological sites is not so much. But the historical importance of these archaeological sites is no less.

There is an ancient abandoned fort on the sea, which bears witness to ancient history. These forts and arches make this place more mysterious.

8. Visit Socotra to See The Mysterious Kuhelika

Geographically this place is quite significant. It receives light rainfall throughout the year. This rainfall increases during the monsoon season.

At this time, dense fog took formation in coastal areas. The temperature of the island remains stable throughout the year.

Summer, monsoon, or winter, any time you come here, you will see a kind of fog. It always creates a blanket of fog over the coastal area.

9. Many People Live on This Island

The island is not very populated. This island currently has about sixty thousand people living in six hundred villages.

You will see similarities between the people of the Socotra region and South Arabia. But, the Somali population is small across this land.

Most of the people living on the island are the local Socotri people. They live between the cities of Habidu and Kanansia.

Habidu town is home to around 8,500 people, according to the island’s population. Most of these cities are far from each other.

Visit Socotra Island: 9 Interesting Facts about This Place
Photo by Andrew Svk on Unsplash

So small vehicles and boats are the main help to move from one city to another. The inhabitants of this majestic piece of land in the sea of Arabia named Socotra are very peaceful.

Most of the people of this island of the Arabian sea live below the poverty line. Most of them are agriculturists and fishermen.

Fishing is the source of income for these people. These people love to catch fish in the sea of Arabia. The rest make a living by rearing dates and sheep.

Visit Socotra to observe the lifestyle of the local people. Socotra is one of the most fascinating and spectacular places on the planet.

This place has beaches and colorful mountain ranges and is home to exotic flora and fauna. This place has a diverse collection of flora and fauna.


There is no doubt that this place of Yemen in the Arabian sea is mysterious. Many people visit this place to see this mystery with their own eyes.

It will be a good decision for you if you decide to visit Socotra island. This majestic island can offer many unique things to please the eyes of its visitors.

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