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The Republic of Užupis is one of the smallest republics in Europe. It has a constitution that is visible on the road.

The authority of this republic wrote it in different languages ​​on the walls of the road. You may become amazed once you look at that constitution.

There is an interesting article on it. It mentions, “All people have the right to be happy.” Later it again, “All people have the right to be unhappy.”

There will be only human words, and dogs and cats will remain out of consideration, and why is that? Another part of the constitution mentions, “A dog has the right to be a dog.”

Republic of Užupis
Lee FennerCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

And another section says, “No cat must love its owner, but must help him in times of danger.” Not only the constitution but the country also has its president and government.

It has a currency and even a navy with three or four boats. A few days ago, they also had an army of 10 members.

But the authority declared the army extinct. The peace-loving country is unwilling to engage in conflict with anyone. Such a country exists in the world.

The country is The Republic of Užupis, with an area of ​​less than 1 square kilometer. It has declared independence from the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius.

Six Basic Information About The Republic of Užupis

This Republic serves as a symbol of individuality and freedom for its residents. There is much interesting information to know about this country.

1. The Way The Republic was Born

The country of Lithuania is one of the three Baltic states and the geographical center of Europe. It was also a part of the Soviet Union from 1940-41 and from 1944-90.

Many statues of Soviet leaders were visible throughout Vilnius at that time. But the authority demolished statues after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Only their pillars are empty.

In 1995, a group of local sculptors erected a statue of the American rock icon Frank Zappa. They did it on one of the empty pillars at Uzupis. But Zappa never went to Vilnius.

Two years later, on April 1, 1997, they went one step further. As the April Fool’s Fun begins, they declare that the Uzupis region is now an independent republic.

It is a separate state from the rest of Lithuania. Soon after, they designed four national flags for the country.

Later they drafted the constitution of the republic. And since then, the area has been behaving like an independent country.

Although the foreign government never recognized Uzupis. They are now the source of all Lithuanian glory, including Vilnius.

2. Uzupis Day

In Lithuanian, Uzupis means across the river. The Vilnel River separates the rest of the city of Vilnius from the Uzupis.

Every year on April 1, the country celebrates its Independence Day, known as Uzupis Day. On this day, tourists can cross the Villanelle Bridge.

Republic of Užupis: 6 Interesting Information About This Place
Jean-Pierre Dalbéra from Paris, FranceCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

They stand at the entrance of this republic, collect their passports and enter. And once inside, they can use the local currency.

And even the visitors can drink as much beer as they want from the artificial fountain in Main Square on this day!

3. Bloody History

This area had to go through a terrible time. In the middle of the twentieth century, during Soviet rule, it was a terrible place. Soviet authority abandoned the area.

This part of town was dangerous. Only the brave or the foolish could think of setting foot here. One of the main roads in the area, Uzupis Street, was famous as the road of death.

The reason behind this was not the high crime rate but the Jewish people in the region. The Jewish people were victims of the Holocaust. Now, of course, those horrible days are no more.

All the designs and paintings on the street walls are beautiful. Vitality all around in this small land. It would seem that there can be nothing more than a happy understanding of survival.

4. Constitution Formulation

A constitution was necessary after the declaration of independence in 1997. It is the symbol of the freedom and sovereignty of a country.

So one summer afternoon in 1998, the step has taken to create a constitution. President Romas Lilleikis drafted it in three hours.

5. Government System

A light government structure works in the country that arranges the recruitment of officials. The parliament building is also a cafe-cum-pub.

There are dozens of ministers to watch the situation in the country. Besides, those who wish to be active in politics must be members of local organizations.

6. Tourism Industry

In the tourism industry, the country plays a significant role. It is helping to develop the tourism industry of Lithuania.

The Republic of Užupis has been able to attract tourists since the day of its independence in 1997. 

Uzupis republic
Sean GlossopCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

To many, Uzupis is an unprecedented country, a mixture of reality and imagination. So the people of Lithuania, as well as many foreigners, come to visit this country. 

As a result, Uzupis is now the second most expensive region in Vilnius. You can not buy a small apartment in this place if you are not very rich.


The Užupis republic may be a symbolic people’s republic, but it has great significance. It has to offer something to its visitors.

Many people of Lithuania love to visit this place. Not only the people of Lithuania but also the people of the world come to see this republic.

It has a vital position in both history and culture. It also has a terrible past, including the time of the Soviet Union.

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