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Discover the magic of the African nation named Madagascar at Parc Ivoloina. Observe twelve different varieties of lemurs, including free-ranging species.

You can also see an assortment of native reptiles and amphibians. For example, you can see famous chameleons and tomato frogs.

This unique site includes a 4-hectare zoological facility within a 282-hectare forestry station. A guide is not necessary but is highly recommendable.

At the Thirsty Dronga, you can enjoy a full meal, snacks, and drinks. The gift shop sells unique crafts made by Malagasy artisans.

It also sells postcards, t-shirts, and other souvenirs. Ivoloina is just 30 to 40 minutes north of Toamasina. It’s close enough for a half-day trip from a cruise ship.

One can spend a day or two hiking the nine kilometers of well-maintained trails. There are so many things to do and see. You can also schedule a nocturnal lemur tour.

You can wander in the gardens and orchards. You can explore historic ruins. Or you can relax by the lake. You can even arrange to stay overnight.


The fascinating history of Parc Ivoloina dates back to when Madagascar was a French colony. Researchers used this valuable area as a research site.

They grew exotic crops and trees in the tropical climate of the east coast of this site. After its independence, the Department of Water and Forests took over the management.

During the 1960s, the authority planted fast-growing pine and eucalyptus species. They did it as a source of timber. But, they remained aloof from harvesting.

The Department of Water and Forests also had a facility for confiscated lemurs. It also kept confiscated tortoises in the same facility.

They developed this facility into a small public zoo in 1963. The zoo closed to the public in 1986 after a cyclone destroyed its infrastructure.

Officials were familiar with the researchers from the Duke Lemur Center. They are formerly famous as the Duke University Primate Center.

Duke ordered Andrea Katz and Charlie Welch to help rebuild the zoo in 1987 when they asked for assistance. He was a valuable member of the consortium.

The consortium founded the Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group(MFG) in 1988. Under the new structure, Andrea and Charlie became the MFG’s first technical advisors.

In 1990, Parc Zoologique Ivoloina reopened. It became the MFG’s primary focus in the early years. The topography of the Parc varies. It includes forested hills dominated by exotic trees.

There are many pine and eucalyptus trees significantly. The native palm, ravenala, grows well in degraded forests. The native but highly invasive bracken fern is also abundant.

Over the years, we have reforested small sections with native trees. A complete reforestation plan that prioritizes endemic species saw development.

They have used the flat areas within the Parc to establish a tree nursery. They also demonstrate various alternative agricultural techniques and crops.

Colonial times gave birth to a series of lakes in the Parc. “Lake Flugence,” a five-hectare lake, borders one side of the zoo.


Parc Ivoloina is near the city of Toamasina in eastern Madagascar. It is a zoological park that offers recreational and educational activities.

It’s home to lemurs, reptiles, amphibians, and other native Malagasy species. Visitors can explore wildlife exhibits, historic ruins, and nine kilometers of hiking trails.

They can explore these attractions on their own or with a guide. A dugout canoe tour is also available on this fantastic site.

Visitors can sample the park as a day trip or arrange multiple days with overnight stays. This site is a famous regional conservation and education center.

It consists of a four-hectare zoological park and a 282-hectare forestry station. The center includes an Environmental Education Center and the Ivoloina Conservation Training Center.

A non-governmental conservation organization, Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group supports the center. MFG has earned a reputation by serving nature in Madagascar.

Aquariums, a consortium of zoos, universities, and related organizations backs the group. The fantastic Parc Ivoloina is home to twelve different species of lemurs.

This fantastic site includes five species of free-ranging lemurs. Mentionable species include the critically endangered black and white ruffed lemur.

Parc Ivoloina: A Beautiful PLACE IN MADAGASCAR
LouismichaphotoCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The fascinating bamboo lemur and the blue-eyed black lemur are also mentionable species here. The site also cares for three species of nocturnal lemur.

One of them is the infamous aye-aye lemur of Madagascar. People can also find radiated tortoises, boas, tomato frogs, panther chameleons, and more.

Birders will find malachite kingfishers and white-faced whistling ducks around Lake Fulgence. They will also find many other species.

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