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The Bengal tiger is well-known in southern Bangladesh, especially near the Sundarbans. But the ferocious Bengal tiger strikes fear among the fishermen.

It also scares honey collectors. The famous Royal Bengal Tiger is a death messenger. It usually appears before them in the jungle.

But, about one hundred or two hundred years ago, tigers did not live only in the Sundarbans. Forests covered most of Bangladesh at that time.

Due to this, the tiger habitat spread from the Chittagong Hill Tracts to the whole of Bangladesh. The ancient traveler Ibn Battuta described the Bengal region as full of tigers.

So, we can say that ancient Bengal was the kingdom of the Bengal tiger. The Royal Bengal Tiger is the largest of all the tigers found in the Indian subcontinent.

This species of tiger is agile in size and unique in ferocity. The Bengal tiger is the most popular and largest living tiger species. It resides mainly in the Indian subcontinent.

The mentionable presence of tigers in ancient times has created the tradition of tigers. Thus, the tiger is valuable to the culture of the subcontinent.

So, it has been honored as the national animal of India and Bangladesh. What does the Royal Bengal Tiger look like? Witness answers, terribly beautiful.

To grasp the true meaning of beauty in literature, you must examine the Royal Bengal Tiger. The Royal Bengal Tiger is a mammal and a carnivore.

It has thick legs, strong teeth, and colorful designs on its body. The skin color of this majestic animal is yellow to light orange on the abdomen.

White color can be visible on the inside of the foot. Vertical black, gray, or brown stripes are visible on the orange color of the skin.

The spot on the tail becomes round. A rare breed of Bengal tiger, the White Bengal, has white fur due to genetic mutations.

The color of the eyes of the Royal Bengal tiger is yellow. So, the color of the eyes of the White Bengal tiger is blue.

Patterns of Bengal tiger skin exhibit distinct variations from one another. The striped spots of the two tigers will never be the same.

It is much like a human face or fingerprint. Although the appearance of the twins may be the same, the spots on the tigers will not be the same.

Tigers are counted based on these characteristics. A tiger lives an average of 10 to 15 years. The average weight of male tigers is 225 kg, and that of females is 135 kg.

The body length of a tiger is about nine feet, and its teeth are strong. The victim of the tiger attack cannot get out of the bite of the teeth easily.

The teeth are about 10 cm in length. Tiger means a fierce and wild animal. Being a predatory animal, tigers are not friendly to other animals.

They like to live alone and hunt. But, during winter, you can see three-fourths of them walking around in groups.

They are equally skilled at running and swimming. They rest in shady areas during the day. They prefer to hunt in the evening or morning light.

Occasionally, they also rest by diving into hot water. The memory of the Royal Bengal Tiger is strong. It is supposed that once they see anyone, they will never forget it.

Scientists claim that memory is higher in humans than in other animals. If they do not face a food crisis, they do not leave their area and attack elsewhere.

There is no way for the tigers to put up barbed-wire fences to mark their boundaries. So they do a weird thing.

They spread a mix of urine and musk on the border area’s plants and rocks. Other tigers recognize it and avoid the area.

However, after so many calculations, there is sometimes a fight between two or more tigers. They do not roar at the time of the battle.

They generate only whistle sounds from their throats. Tigers in Bangladesh are on the brink of extinction.

Poaching and deforestation are to blame. Many Bangladeshis do not understand how valuable the Sundarbans are to us.

And awareness is absent among many local populations. They do not try to understand the importance of the Sundarbans.

A 5-story building or one crore of money is more important to them than the Sundarbans. These people are destroying the Sundarbans instead of defending it.

The Sundarbans protected us from cyclone Sidr. But, the tiger is the vigilant guard of the Sundarbans. So, to save the Sundarbans, we have to save the tiger.

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